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Treasurer 2023 - 2025

Find out more about what each member of the executive does. 

Read the position descriptions below and consider putting your name forward when positions become available and join our excellent team.  

President Elect 2024 - 2026


President 2024 - 2026

President-Elect: Brian Sawatzky
​The President Elect is responsible to chair the Selection Committee for the MGNA Nursing Distinction awards, assist with planning the Annual General Meeting, exercise duties and responsibilities of President in periods of  absence or incapacitation, arrange food for quarterly meetings, and act as co-signer for MGNA accounts.  The President Elect will serve the 2 year term and be mentored by the President to then take over the presidency.

Full Position Description

Media 2024 - 2026


The President serves a two year tenure and is elected as Vice-President serving a two year tenure.  Following the tenure as President the outgoing President serves a two year tenure as Past President making their commitment to the Association a 6 year tenure.  The President prepares a Strategic Plan for their 2 year tenure. Prepares agendas for the meetings in collaboration with the executive members.  Represents MGNA on the Presidents Forum at CGNA.  Chairs executive, general and annual meetings.

Full Position Description

Secretary:  Kelly Dutiaume

The Secretary records and circulates the minutes of the executive, general, and annual meetings and prepares annual calendar of meetings/deadlines.  Responsible for maintaining the official correspondence of the Association.

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Education:  Alma Lubos

Solicits input for topics and arranges for educational speakers.  Plans and organizes the Annual General Meeting and Education Day.  Prepares education reports for Association meetings.

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Membership 2024 - 2026

Past President:  Brandy Stadnyk

The Past President is responsible to represent the MGNA on the CGNA Board of Directors, be a resources to the current executive committee, chair the nomination committee, and to further promote the MGNA.

Full Position Description

Membership:  Karen Livingston

Maintains current list of MGNA members based on information from CGNA and works to recruit new members.  Assists members if issues arise during membership renewal.  Contacts members with meeting minutes, agendas, and other information related to the MGNA.  Maintains record of sign in sheets from meetings.  Creates quarterly reports detailing number of members and assists Media representative with promoting MGNA.

Full Position Description

Treasurer: Anita Pandey

The Treasurer is responsible to keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements, pay all bills of the Association, and prepare and present the annual budget The Treasurer prepares the accounts for the annual auditor and reviews recommendations with the Executive.  The Treasurer also recommends investment strategies and assists with financial planning of MGNA events and conferences as required.

Full Position Description

Education 2024 - 2026

Past President 2024 - 2026

Secretary 2024 - 2026

Executive terms run as follows:

Media:   Karen Livingston

Responsible for updating the website with information about upcoming meetings, educational opportunities, and information related to gerontology.  Maintain the MGNA Facebook page.  Responsible for printing needs of MGNA.  Bring laptop/accessories and banner to MGNA meetings and conferences.

Full Position Desciption